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ATP Rapid Detection System


HY-LiTE® 2 ATP Rapid
Detection System

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The Bioluminescence-Based HY-LiTE® System Scrutinizes the Quality of Cleaning Processes

HY-LiTE® is an easy-to-use, rapid and reliable test system from MilliporeSigma to assess the quality of cleaning processes in food and beverages production. It quantitatively detects ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate), which is present in all biological residues, by specific reaction with a luciferin / luciferase reagent in buffered solution. The emitted light (bioluminescence) resulting from this reaction is detected by the HY-LiTE® Luminometer Instrument. Opinion leaders consider the detection of ATP a tried and tested method for cleanliness control according to the HACCP concept applied widely in the food industry. Results of the HY-LiTE® system are available almost immediately, allowing corrective action to be taken straightaway where necessary.

HY-LiTE® Instrument and Accessories

HY-LiTE® Instrument and Accessories

HY-LiTE® is available in formats for testing of surfaces, process water such as cooling water as well as diesel and kerosene fuels. It provides rapid, quantitative results that can be printed or documented on the PC, and is compliant with DIN 10124. The enclosed “TREND 2” CD for the PC allows easy and convenient record-keeping and trend monitoring of data in graphical form.

Fast The result is available immediately, so that any required corrective measures can be initiated without delay
Mobile The HY-LiTE® instrument is easy to operate and independent of laboratory equipment. The built-in temperature compensation feature ensures accurate results.
Reliable Unlike similar products from other manufacturers, the HY-LiTE® pen, a ready prepared cuvette plus stick for sample taking, integrates a dilution step. This prevents false results due to residual disinfectants and thus increases result reliability.
  • HY-LiTE® refill pack for total ATP detection on surfaces
  • HY-LiTE® liquid test for total ATP detection in water and aqueous liquids
  • HY-LiTE® free ATP pen for measuring extracellular ATP in combination with any of the above tests