BIOSCOT® ABO Finished Reagents
BIOSCOT® labelled Blood Typing Monoclonal Finished Reagents
BIOSCOT® labelled Blood Typing Monoclonal Finished Reagents Less
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IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Blood Typing > Finished Reagents > BIOSCOT® ABO Finished Reagents |
Anti-A (clone BIRMA-1) TL
This reagent reacts avidly with A1, A2, A1B and A2B red cells. It will directly agglutinate most examples of Ax. It gives classic mixed field reactions with A3 and A3B cells.
Anti-B (clone LB-2) TN
This reagent reacts avidly with B and AB red cells. The reagent directly agglutinates examples of Bx but does not agglutinate A1 red cells with the ‘acquired B antigen’.
Anti-A,B (clones ES-15/ES-4) TM
This reagent allows for independent confirmation of ABO grouping as it is made from antibodies other than those used to make BIOSCOT® Anti-A and Anti-B reagents. The reagent is of particular value in typing blood samples from neonates and geriatrics where the antigens may be weakly expressed and reverse (serum) ABO grouping is not possible. The antibody from ES-15 is particularly effective in detecting the weakest forms of A.