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Contact Plates


RT/RTplus Contact Plates

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The Ideal Choice for Sampling Dry, Sanitized Surfaces in Less Critical Areas.

MilliporeSigma’s RT and RTplus Contact Plates are designed for microbial monitoring of dry surfaces, e.g floors, walls, textiles and working garmets of personnel in controlled areas, encompass a versatile range of products for your environmental monitoring needs. Furthermore, they are used for active air sampling using MilliporeSigma’s Microbial Air Sampler of the MAS series.

Formulations are available for determining total aerobic microbial count (Tryptic Soy Agar = Casein Soya Bean Digest Agar = TSA or Plate Count Agar = PCA), yeast and mold count and total count for specified microorganisms.

Sanitized surfaces should be monitored using plates which contain neutralizers such as lecithin (L), tween 80 (T); histidine (H) and sodium thiosulfate (Th). These neutralizers are capable to inactivate a wide range of disinfectants. In addition to these features the RTplus Contact Plates enable safe transportation and incubation under various aeration conditions.

Close Lid in Clockwise Direction (CLOSED Position) for:
  • Safe transportation from sampling area to the lab
  • A recommended, prolonged aerobic incubation period
Close Lid in Counter Clockwise Direction (VENT Position) for:
  • Incubation under microaerophilic or anaerobic conditions
  • Short-term incubation under aerobic conditions 
RT/RTplus Contact Plates

RT/RTplus Contact Plates

Ordering Information

Secure & Reliable
  • Data matrix barcode on each plate: Safe and paperless identification of individual plates
  • Room temperature stability: Storable at site of use