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Soil Monitoring Filters

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: environmental contamination monitoring, soil monitoring.
Accurately measure soil contaminants, including heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons and volatile solvents, using MilliporeSigma’s filters and filter holders for soil sample collection and preparation.

MilliporeSigma’s hazardous waste filtration solutions include a Zero Head Space Extractor system for sample extraction that meets the requirements of the EPA’s Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), plus a variety of filters, holders and manifolds optimized to deliver superior results during downstream analyses.

Learn more about TCLP

Additionally, Millex® syringe filters, with their low extractables and low analyte-binding membranes, are ideal for sample preparation prior to instrumental analysis.

Filter Discs for Soil Monitoring

Filter Holders and Hazardous Waste Filtration Systems for Soil Monitoring

Millex Syringe Filters for Soil Monitoring

Examples of Regulated Soil Monitoring Methods Are:

Recommended product(s)
TCLP Method 1311 Toxicity Leaching in Soil YT30142HWAP4014250

Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)

In recognition of MilliporeSigma’s expertise in waste management, the United States Environmental Protection Agency has recommended the use of our products in its TCLP Method 1311. Our products and services provide you a complete solution for successfully performing the TCLP method on your waste sample.

TCLP determines the mobility of a specified list of organic and inorganic contaminants (metals, pesticides, herbicides, solvents) in liquid, solid, and multiphasic wastes. TCLP simulates leaching of these contaminants in a landfill environment over time. Before waste may be deposited in designated landfills, it must be tested by TCLP.

Analyze Volatile Waste by TCLP

Do your waste samples contain volatile substances, such as isopropanol, acetone, or xylene? MilliporeSigma’s zero head space extractor (ZHE) hazardous waste filtration system has been designated by the USEPA as a suitable apparatus for TCLP.

Analyze Nonvolatile Waste by TCLP

If your waste samples contain non-volatile or semi-volatile substances or metals, use MilliporeSigma’s Hazardous Waste Filtration System for separation, extraction, and filtration.