All Safety Videos
Solvent Withdrawal Systems
All Safety Videos
Absorbents for Spilled Liquids
Mishaps and accidents happen. With Chemizorb®, however, you can remove spilled aggressive or other unpleasant liquids quickly and safely.
Safebreak Bottle
"Safebreak" is a glass bottle coated with polyethylene. Should e.g. the bottle fall and break, the liquid and glass splinters are reliably retained within the polyethylene coating.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Product stewardship and workplace safety is explained for every chemical product within the SDS.
Solvent Withdrawal Systems
Our range of withdrawal systems ensures safe and easy use of your solvents without the risk of contamination.
Withdrawal System for Inert Gas PressurizingWatch our practical handling instruction video of manual withdrawal systems for solvents in barrels. It provides you knowledge to learn more about the safe, convenient and easy usage of our products. Profit from our long time product experience to maximize your safety and to ensure reliable processes in your laboratory.