Safe and Convenient Bottle Handling |
Bottles made from glass, aluminum, and HDPE are widely used for packaging and storing solvents. MilliporeSigma provides a broad range of specially developed safety accessories for bottles in order to protect the health of your lab personnel, the environment, and the quality of your valuable solvents. Our bottle safety accessories help you to comply with laws and regulations and to make your daily lab work safer and more convenient.
We supply, for example, connector screw caps for secure instrument connection, safety carriers for safely handling breakable glass bottles, keys for easy and safe opening, and pre-designed labels containing all required and relevant product safety information at a glance. Our unique level sensors help you to automatically monitor and manage filling levels according to your process requirements.
Catalog Number | Catalog Name |
965700 | Safety stand for 2,5 l PE bottles |
103833 | Exhaust air filter for HPLC bottle adapter S40, disposal |
109996 | Adapter S 40 |
108801 | Bottle key |
102547 | Pouring aid |
Find out everything you need to know about MilliporeSigma solvents in our catalog!