MQuant® Non-Bleeding pH-Indicator Strips |
MQuant® pH-indicator strips cover different pH ranges from the universal range 0 to 14 or more specific ranges depending on the applications. And as the indicator is chemically bonded to the cellulose backing, the strips do not bleed and contaminate the testing material – unlike conventional indicator papers. This means the pH-indicator strips can remain in the testing medium indefinitely – making measurements highly accurate, even in weakly buffered solutions.
MilliporeSigma understands that analyzing cloudy liquids with conventional pH-indicator strips can be exceedingly difficult. Suspended particulate matter which accumulates on the reaction zone can obscure the true color and make the pH impossible to read. MilliporeSigma offers transparent pH-indicator strips for turbid solutions – and tedious, time-consuming sample preparation measures, such as filtration or clarification, are a thing of the past. The pH reaction zone is backed by a transparent carrier film – so users can wipe off accumulated material and read the pH easily without damaging the strip, even in suspensions and precipitates. If the reaction zone is obscured by particulate matter, users can simply evaluate the color on the reverse of the carrier film.
To make your analysis easier we provide not only a wide range of test-tools, but also multiple services for your support.