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Flexibility in Every Dimension

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So Simple to Switch.

LiChroCART® cartridge with adaptable lengths and internal diameters

LiChroCART® cartridges offer maximum flexibility in adapting column dimensions to your analysis requirements. Developed for use with MilliporeSigma’s reusable manu-CART® endfittings, they allow quick and easy changes in cartridge length and internal diameter.

LiChroCART® cartridges are simple to exchange because the manu-CART® cartridge holders remain in the system, and there is no need for capillary connections to be detached. So switching from a length of 125 to 250 mm and back couldn’t be easier. Furthermore, adapting the internal diameter (4.6 mm, 4 mm, 3 mm or 2 mm) to your application is possible within a few minutes. The endfittings are designed to allow LiChroCART® cartridges to be hand-sealed at normal working pressures (150 to 200 bar) without any tools. Only at higher pressures may further tightening with a wrench become necessary.

Features and Benefits

  • Fast and simple changes of column length and internal diameter
  • Maximum suitability and quick adaptability to analysis requirements
  • Easy to assemble, may be hand-sealed at normal working pressures

Exchanging the Sieve and Glass Fiber Filter of LiChroCART® Cartridges


The sieve and glass fiber filter of LiChroCART® Cartridges
are exchangeable.

  1. Using a wrench, loosen the cap nut from the endfitting
  2. Unscrew the cap nut, and remove the semi-cylindrical collets from the neck of the column cartridge. Put them aside for re-use later.
  3. Using the pin, gently remove the sieve from the end of the column cartridge. (Figure 1)
  4. Using a small spatula, remove the remains of the glass fiber filter and any soiled packing material.
  5. Fill the void with freshly prepared packing material and smooth off the surface.
  6. Place a new filter on the open end of the cartridge. Do not attempt to push it into place with your fingers – it may wrinkle.
  7. Using the plastic assembly tool, push the filter inside the cartridge. (Figure 2)
  8. Place the cylindrical sleeve over the open end of the cartridge.
  9. Place a sieve inside the funnel.
  10. Using the plastic tool, push the sieve firmly into place. (Figure 3)

LiChroCART® Assembly Tool for Replacement of Sealing Rings and Ring Seals with Frits

Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Chromatography/LE-Lichrocart_change_1_150px.png Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Chromatography/LE_Lichrocart_change_2.png Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Chromatography/LE_Lichrocart_change_3.png
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3
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